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Discover your nonprofit’s matching gift eligibility in this guide to increase fundraising potential.

Matching Gift Eligibility: Which Nonprofits Qualify?

As a nonprofit professional, you likely know that matching gifts can increase the impact of donations to your organization. However, not all nonprofits are eligible to participate in matching gifts programs.

To maximize your nonprofit’s matching gift revenue, you need to know where your organization stands in terms of eligibility. To gain a better understanding of common nonprofit eligibility standards, let’s take a look at the following:

Ready to learn about typical nonprofit eligibility standards to boost your matching gift potential? Let’s get started! Click to get a demo of Double the Donation’s software solution to help determine your nonprofit’s matching gift eligibility.

Matching Gift Eligibility: A Consideration

When it comes to matching gift eligibility, what matters most is taking a close look at the programs and campaigns offered by your donors’ employers. Since matching gift standards vary from company to company, there aren’t universal guidelines. In other words, you cannot know your eligibility for all matching gift programs (unless you enlist the help of a matching gift database).

Although there’s no way to know for certain if your organization is match-eligible for all of your donors’ employee matching gifts programs, you can get a good grasp of your situation by understanding common criteria.

Types of Nonprofits Eligible for Matching Gifts

Corporate giving programs match the donations employees make to various types of nonprofits. For U.S.-based companies, the nonprofits are usually required to be 501(c)(3) organizations. Not only does this designation mean that an organization is exempt from federal income tax, but it also means that donors who make gifts can deduct those gifts from their taxes.

When reviewing a company’s matching gift guidelines, you may come across a list that outright states what types of nonprofits an employer will match donations to. Organizations that are most commonly eligible for matching gifts include:

This image displays a few types of nonprofits that are eligible for matching gifts, also discussed in the text below.

  • Educational institutions include public K-12 schools, private K-12 schools,  foundations established by school districts, college-level schools that offer at least a two-year program, seminaries schools, theological schools, alumni funds, and schools or colleges within a university that conduct their own fundraising.
  • Arts and cultural organizations refer to nonprofits that are focused on cultivating the arts and cultural experiences. This includes aquariums, libraries, museums, orchestras, public broadcasting stations, and more.
  • Civic and community organizations are typically any community-based nonprofit, such as animal shelters, child welfare centers, homeless shelters, low-income assistance programs, and so on.
  • Health and human services include organizations such as hospitals or other health-oriented nonprofits, substance abuse programs, mental health services, and domestic violence support.
  • Environmental organizations refer to groups dedicated to conservation, wildlife preservation, environmental justice, green energy and sustainable development, and so on.

Most companies with matching gift programs will match employee donations to an organization that fits into one of the above categories, while others are more selective. Generally, companies choose specific causes to support because they align with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives or the causes that best reflect the company’s interests.

For example, ExxonMobil focuses its matching gift efforts on two types of nonprofits: the “Educational Matching Gift Program” and the “Cultural Matching Gift Program.” While the maximum match amount for cultural organizations is $2,000, the maximum match amount for educational institutions is $22,500. This shows where this company’s main philanthropy interest lies: in education.

In other cases, employers may be unspecific about the types of nonprofits they match gifts to and handle it on a case-by-case basis. Regardless of the situation, it falls on nonprofits to determine their eligibility status with various local employers.

Types of Nonprofits Not Eligible for Matching Gifts

This image displays a few types of nonprofits that are not eligible for matching gifts, also covered in the text below.

While most 501(c)(3) organizations and educational nonprofits are eligible for matching gifts from a vast array of companies, companies do place restrictions on the organizations they will match for. Usually, these restrictions help them direct their giving budget to organizations that align with both their views and their employees’ views. However, note that corporations do make religious and political donations—they simply exempt them from matching gift programs to promote equity among employee beliefs.

Common organizations that are not eligible for matching gifts include:

  • Religious organizations include houses of worship, such as churches, synagogues, mosques, or temples as well as other religious groups. Generally, an organization that is nondenominational or interdenominational and aims to advance religion is considered a religious organization.
  • Political organizations include political parties, committees, associations, funds, and any other organization that influences or attempts to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of an individual to a political office. Organizations explicitly involved in trying to elect candidates can’t be 501(c)(3)s, and thus are ineligible for matching gift programs specifically for nonprofits.

Although restrictions for these groups are common, there are some exceptions. For example, service-oriented community outreach programs offered by religious or political organizations, such as food banks and homeless shelters, are sometimes eligible for matching gifts.

Matching Gift Eligibility for Employees

Aside from considering whether your organization is eligible for most types of matching gift programs, you should also take into account eligibility requirements for employees to guide your matching gifts marketing strategy.

Employees Eligible for Matching

This image outlines the matching gift eligibility of a few types of employees, also detailed in the text below.

Some companies place restrictions on which employees are eligible for matching gifts. These limitations usually depend on one of the following:

  • Duration of employment. Some corporations only offer matching donations after a worker has been employed for a certain amount of time, such as three months.
  • Employee level. While most businesses offer matching gifts to all employees, some have restrictions based on the employee’s position at the company. For example, Acuity Brands only matches donations from directors and executives.
  • Employment status. Businesses often have different matching gift policies for part-time and full-time employees. Some corporations, such as Sherwin-Williams, will match gifts made by retirees as well as current employees.
  • Employee family. Particularly generous businesses will extend their matching gifts program to employee family members. This benefit usually only applies to spouses, but in some cases, if the employee passes away, the surviving spouse’s gifts will still be matched.

Target your promotional efforts toward individuals who are the most likely to be eligible for matching gifts. You’ll not only increase your conversion rates but also avoid frustrating supporters who aren’t eligible for matching gifts.

For example, if many of your donors work at Acuity Brands, you may be tempted to send them emails appealing for matching gifts. However, once you know that this business only matches donations from directors and executives, it’s clear this is not the best strategy. Instead, engage relevant employees in other ways, such as with volunteer grants or event invitations.

Click to get a demo of Double the Donation’s matching gift database solution to make managing matching gift eligibility easier.

Common Matching Gift Program Rules

Aside from employee eligibility, your nonprofit should also pay attention to the following common matching gift guidelines:

This image illustrates a few common topics that matching gift eligibility rules focus on, also outlined in the text below.

  • Minimum match amount. Some organizations establish a minimum donation amount employees must hit to be eligible for matches. The average minimum donation match amount is $34, which means donations smaller than this amount may not be eligible for matching depending on the employer’s guidelines.
  • Maximum match amount. Since companies have a limited budget, they usually place a cap on the maximum donation amount they’ll match. This ceiling can either refer to the maximum amount of a single donation, a cumulative maximum for donations made in a fiscal year, or both.
  • Match ratios. Most companies offer a 1:1 matching ratio, meaning that the company will directly match the employee’s donation amount. For example, if an employee donates $20 then the employer will also contribute $20. However, particularly generous companies will match at a higher ratio, such as 2:1 or even 3:1!

As you research matching gift guidelines, take a good look at the employers many of your donors share. By doing so, you’ll gain a better understanding of their programs and provide more specific advice to match eligible donors.

How Matching Gift Software Can Help

When properly handled, matching gifts can bring in substantial revenue without placing additional financial obligations on donors. However, determining your nonprofit’s eligibility and staying up-to-date on your employers’ guidelines is a long, arduous process. That’s where a matching gift database comes in handy, regardless of your nonprofit’s size or mission!

If you’re looking to invest in a matching gift database, check out Double the Donation’s industry-leading solution, 360MatchPro. With data on more than 20,000 companies, it’s the most comprehensive source of matching gift forms and instructions. Here’s how it works:

  1. Your nonprofit embeds the matching gift search tool into your online fundraising channels, such as your donation form or a dedicated matching gifts page.
  2. Donors search for their employers.
  3. They receive all available forms and guidelines on their company’s giving programs.
  4. Eligible donors who have yet to complete their matching gift application forms receive reminder emails with their employer’s guidelines.
  5. Your nonprofit maximizes its matching gift potential!

If you’re interested in learning more about 360MatchPro, check out this quick summary video:

With a matching gifts tool, your nonprofit receives the most up-to-date guidelines and eligibility requirements for your donors’ corporate giving programs. This way, you don’t miss out on any corporate philanthropy opportunities.

Additional Resources

By learning about typical requirements and restrictions on matching gift programs, you’ll be more prepared to leverage these workplace giving initiatives to boost your nonprofit’s fundraising. Keep in mind that there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to matching gifts eligibility, and there are bound to be exceptions to general guidelines.

If you’re interested in learning more about matching gifts, check out the following resources:

Click to get a demo of Double the Donation’s software to check matching gift eligibility and capture all available opportunities.

EasyMatch Matching Gifts

EasyMatch Companies (JK Group): An Insightful Overview

Looking for information on the JK Group or EasyMatch companies? Good news, while Double the Donation is a completely separate and non-related company, we can share much of the EasyMatch information you’re looking for.

What Does EasyMatch Do?

EasyMatch is a corporate philanthropy platform and service run by the JK Group.

Almost all major companies have philanthropic giving programs in place, but many contract out the administration of these programs to a company which specializes in managing the corporate employee giving programs. EasyMatch, the largest vendor of these services to corporations, provides matching gift and volunteer grant platforms for a few hundred companies.

If you’ve ever received a matching gift letter addressed from EasyMatch, odds are it’s being sent on behalf of a company with a matching gift program.

The JK Group works with companies to:

Visit the JK Group’s website.

Which Companies use EasyMatch’s Matching Gift Platform:

EasyMatch manages matching gift and volunteer grant programs for many of the world’s leading companies. Their list of clients includes:

Learn about these and the other top companies with matching gift programs.

What’s the difference between EasyMatch and the JK Group?

For most purposes, they’re one and the same. EasyMatch is the “brand name” which most users (both donors and nonprofits) recognize, while the JK Group is the corporate name for the company. As the leading provider of philanthropic technologies for corporations, the JK Group provides a wide range of services (geared towards corporation) including:

  • Matching gift program administration
  • Volunteer grant program administration
  • Employee giving
  • Disaster relief
  • And many other services

EasyMatch is the JK Group’s online giving system for corporate employees and nonprofits.

Quick fact – JK Group processed over $1 billion in charitable donations in the past year alone.

How Do I Contact EasyMatch?

If you fall into one of the following three categories, you should contact the company’s matching gift and volunteer grant hotline for assistance.

  1. Nonprofits looking to verify matching donations or those with questions regarding the status of a donation
  2. Employees looking for assistance with their employers’ matching gift programs
  3. Retirees with questions about their form employers’ retiree giving programs

There is no generic email address (ex. info@easymatch.com) or phone number for EasyMatch that we’re aware of. EasyMatch assigns each of its corporate clients their own phone number and email address which is dedicated exclusively to each company’s programs. You can get some general information from the JK Group’s website.

Visit the JK Group’s website.

Double the Donation’s Relationship with EasyMatch:

Double the Donation is a completely different company from EasyMatch (JK Group).

While EasyMatch manages matching gift programs for corporations, Double the Donation works with nonprofits to help them raise more money from the matching gift programs offered by companies across the world.

Our database of matching gift companies includes matching gift programs managed either internally at companies or outsourced to a vendor. In addition to tracking companies which use the JK Group as their matching gift administrator, we also track programs managed by many corporate vendors such as:

Click here for more information on these matching gift vendors.

It’s important to remember that Double the Donation is a completely separate company from EasyMatch. We sell an easy-to-use tool to nonprofits to help them promote matching gifts to donors.

That being said, Double the Donation’s team researches and manages a database of matching gift company guidelines, forms, and contact information to which nonprofits can subscribe.

Learn about the top companies in Houston with matching gift programs.

Matching Gift Opportunities: Houston’s Top Companies

Are you a Houston nonprofit? Are you taking full advantage of the variety of matching gift programs offered by local and national employers? If not, you’re leaving fundraising dollars on the table.

Energy is one of the most philanthropic industries in the United States, and Houston is home to many leading energy companies. Nearly all of these companies match donations made by employees and/or retirees, as well as offer grants when employees volunteer.

If you’re a Houston nonprofit looking to have more donations matched by your donors’ employers, this article is for you! First, we’re going to look at the best way to discover matching gift opportunities, before breaking down the programs offered by the following top Houston companies:

  • BHP Billiton
  • Halliburton
  • Phillips 66
  • ConocoPhillips
  • BP
  • And many more

Follow along for a look at corporate philanthropy in Houston, TX.

Matching gift tools are the best way to discover opportunities in Houston.

The Best Way to Discover Matching Gift Opportunities

Even though Houston provides huge matching gift opportunities, it’s impossible to capitalize on them if your organization is unaware of these programs when you encounter them. This lack of awareness can be inhibiting, and the easiest way to combat it is by employing matching gift tools.

Nonprofits large and small can benefit from such tools where their matching gift solicitation processes are concerned. With the right solutions, nonprofits can embed an industry-leading, searchable database directly on their website and giving form, allowing donors to easily search their eligibility.

For example, a nonprofit looking to grow its existing processes would benefit from 360MatchPro. Through this tool, nonprofits are able to fully automate their matching gift solicitation processes, from the original discovery of eligible donors to the communications that follow.

With that, continue reading for a look at the top companies in Houston with matching gift programs.

Check out the top companies in Houston with matching gift programs.

Leading Houston Matching Gift Companies:

BHP BillitonBHP is a top company in Houston with a matching gift program.

While the parent company of BHP Billiton is based out of Australia, the U.S. subsidiary has its headquarters, as well as a major employee presence, in the Houston area. As with most leading energy companies, BHP is a strong supporter of local nonprofits through its employee giving programs.

Matching Gifts:

BHP offers two types of matching gift programs where the company will match donations to nonprofit organizations:

  1. Individual Matching Gifts. Each employee can request matching gifts for personal donations to nonprofits.
  2. Fundraising Matches. If an employee participates in a fundraising walk/run/bike/etc., he or she can request matching funds on all money raised for the organization.

Volunteer Grants:

If BHP employees prefer to give their time, BHP supports their volunteerism by providing grants to nonprofits where employees volunteer regularly.

For every hour a BHP employee volunteers, the company donates $16 to the organization. Of course, there’s a minimum and maximum amount the company will donate per employee, but this can be a great source of fundraising for organizations with a large volunteer base.

Learn more about BHP Billiton’s employee giving programs.

HalliburtonHalliburton is a top company in Houston with a matching gift program.

Halliburton employees can participate in three different matching gift programs:

  1. Matches to Higher Education. Halliburton provides a 2:1 match on employee donations to colleges & universities.
  2. Matches to K-12 Schools. Halliburton provides 1:1 match on employee donations to primary and secondary schools (max $500 annually per employee).
  3. Matches to Other Nonprofits. During Halliburton’s “Giving Choices” campaign, the company provides a 10% match on donations made to nearly any 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

For further information on Halliburton’s employee giving programs, read more here.

Phillips 66Phillips 66 is a top company in Houston with a matching gift program.

Phillips 66 is an American multinational energy company headquartered in the Houston area. The Fortune 500 company offers a generous corporate philanthropy program.

Matching Gifts:

Phillips 66 matches donations to most nonprofits at a 1:1 ratio. Their maximum match amount for active full- and part-time employees is $15,000, while retirees are matched up to $7,500 annually.

Volunteer Grants:

Phillips 66 offers two types of volunteer grant programs for employees, their spouses, and retirees:

  • Individual Volunteer Grants. For every 20 hours an individual volunteers, they receive a volunteer grant of $500 for the organization. Each individual can request up to four of these grants each year.
  • Team Volunteer Grants. When teams of four or more employees volunteer together for a total of 40 combined hours, the company provides a grant of $1,000.

Learn more about Phillip 66’s employee giving programs.

ConocoPhillipsConocoPhillips is a top company in Houston with a matching gift program.

With over $230 million a year in revenue, ConocoPhillips is the fourth largest company in the United States (according to Forbes). Along with this financial success, the company has made corporate philanthropy a big component of its core values.

Matching Gifts:

ConocoPhillips matches donations from employees and retirees at a 1:1 rate. Employees can request up to $10,000 in matching funds annually while retirees are eligible to request up to $5,000 annually.

Volunteer Grants:

ConocoPhillips also supports organizations where individuals or groups of employees volunteer. Individuals can request grants of $500 after volunteering for 20 hours or grants of $1,000 after volunteering with a nonprofit for 40 hours.

If groups of employees volunteer together, ConocoPhillips provides team volunteer grants. If you have supporters who work at ConocoPhillips, make sure to ask them to grab their colleagues to come out and volunteer together. If a group of four or more ConocoPhillips employees volunteer together for a total of at least 40 hours, your nonprofit can earn a grant of $1,000.

Learn more about ConocoPhillips employee grant programs.

BPBP is a top company in Houston with a matching gift program.

BP is consistently ranked on our list of top corporate giving programs and recognized for having perhaps the best employee giving program.

BP has a matching gifts program where they will match employee donations from $25 to $5,000 at a 1:1 ratio.

The nonprofits BP will match donations to include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational institutions (K-12 included)
  • Health & human welfare service organizations
  • Arts and cultural organizations
  • Development, civic, and community organizations
  • Environmental and conservation organizations

BP also has a dollars for doers program where they will donate up to 10 dollars per volunteer hour after an employee has volunteered a minimum of 25 hours. The company will also match the amount of money an employee has raised at an event for nonprofits!

Lastly, BP’s Fabric of America program allows employees to designate $300 in grant money to the nonprofit of their choice, in addition to all of the other matching gift and volunteer matching programs BP has in place.

Learn more about BP’s corporate matching program.

These are a few additional companies in Houston with matching gift programs.

Four Additional Houston Energy Companies with Matching Gift Programs:

  • Citgo – Matches donations from employees and retirees to nearly all 501(c)(3) organizations and educational institutions.
  • CenterPoint Energy – Provides matching gifts to educational institutions and gives grants to nonprofits where employees volunteer.
  • ExxonMobil – Provides a wide variety of employee giving programs including grants when groups of employees volunteer together.
  • Kinder Morgan (including El Paso Corporation) – Matches employee donations to educational institutions and arts/cultural organizations.

Double the Donation’s team tracks and makes it easy for your organization’s donors to submit match requests. Take a tour of Double the Donation’s service to see if it’s right for your organization.

Small Companies Matching Gifts

Five Companies Providing Volunteer Grants when Retirees Volunteer

If your organization has a large number of volunteers, you’ve probably received volunteer grants, also known as Dollar for Doer grants.

Not familiar with volunteer grant programs?
Check out this article which outlines the basics of volunteer grant programs. It also provides an overview on how organizations can benefit from this source of corporate giving.

At Double the Donation, we help nonprofits raise more money from employee matching gift and volunteer grant programs. While we recognize that many company programs are geared exclusively towards current employees, some companies extend their grant programs to retirees who volunteer on a regular basis.

Five Companies which Provide Grants when Retirees Volunteer

Bank of AmericaBank of America Retiree Volunteer Grants

Bank of America offers both a matching gift and volunteer grant program. Through Bank of America’s dollars for doers program, the bank offers the following two different thresholds of volunteer grants:

  • 50 volunteer hours = $250 grant
  • 100 volunteer hours = $500 grant

Learn more about Bank of America’s Volunteer Grant Program.

ConocoPhillipsVolunteer Grants for ConocoPhillips Employees and Retirees

Like many other energy providers, ConocoPhillips offers generous employee giving programs. In addition to the ConocoPhillip’s matching gift program, the company also provides donations to nonprofits where employees volunteer on a regular basis. ConocoPhillips also offers two different levels of volunteer grants:

  • 20 volunteer hours = $500 grants
  • 40 volunteer hours = $1,000 grants

Learn more about ConocoPhillips’ Volunteer Grant Program.


In addition to matching up to $5,000 of each employee’s donations, Prudential also offers grants when employees volunteer on a regular basis.

Specific grant amounts vary between $250-$1,000 and are based upon the number of hours and type of volunteer work performed. Each employee must volunteer for a minimum of 40 hours before being eligible for a volunteer grant.

Learn more about Prudential’s Volunteer Grant Program.

Alliant EnergyAlliant Energy Grants for Employee and Retiree Volunteerism

Through Alliant Energy’s Volunteer Program, the company recognizes personal volunteerism performed by employees and retirees by providing grants to the nonprofit. The company has three different volunteer grant thresholds:

  • 50-149 volunteer hours = $100 grants
  • 150- 199 volunteer hours =  $300 grants
  • 200+ volunteer hours = $400 grants

Learn more about Alliant Energy’s Volunteer Grant Program.

ExxonMobilVolunteer Grants for ExxonMobil Employees and Retirees

In addition to ExxonMobil’s generous matching gift program to higher education and arts & cultural organizations, Exxon Mobil also offers two types of volunteer grant programs:

ExxonMobil Individual Volunteer Grants

  • 20 volunteer hours = $500 grants
  • 40 volunteer hours = $1,000 grants
  • 60 volunteer hours = $1,500 grants
  • 80 volunteer hours = $2,000 grants

Spouses and dependent children (ages 12-25) of both employees and retirees are also eligible to participate and request volunteer grants for their volunteer hours.

ExxonMobil Team Volunteer Grants

A $500 grant is awarded to nonprofit organizations when a team of at least five ExxonMobil employees and retirees volunteer together for at least 20 combined hours. Click here to read about other companies providing grants when groups of employees volunteer.

Learn more about Exxon Mobil’s Volunteer Grant Program.

We also encourage you to explore Double the Donation’s matching gift and volunteer grant service to see if it can help your nonprofit raise more money from employee giving programs.