Engaging Multigenerational Donors With Workplace Giving

Engaging Multigenerational Donors [With Workplace Giving]

Tons of companies offer workplace giving programs as a way to incentivize employees to give back to their communities. To make the most of these philanthropic initiatives, qualifying nonprofits are taking increasingly proactive steps to drive supporter participation. But with a need for engaging multigenerational donors in the workforce, promoting the opportunities is not a one-size-fits-all task.

Instead, we recommend exploring effective strategies as you tailor your approach to each age group. And you’ve come to the right place to do so! In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about engaging varying generations of supporters, including:

Remember: the more you adjust your fundraising approach to your intended audience, the more likely the segment is to actively engage with your efforts.

Ready to create impactful and inclusive workplace giving programs that resonate with every generation in your supporter base? Let’s dive in.

The Unmatched Value of Multigenerational Donor Engagement

Your organization is likely backed by a wide range of donors of all ages, races, genders, backgrounds, and more. But do you take a universal approach to engagement? How exactly does a person’s stage in life factor into their relationship with your organization? Where do employee giving opportunities come into play for any age group?

These are the questions you should be asking yourself if you’re looking to develop a multigenerational engagement strategy.

A look at the different generations to engage with your workplace giving strategy

And doing so is essential. After all, facilitating long-lasting connections with supporters of all age ranges empowers your organization to build a sustainable donor network.

As of findings from 2022 annual giving, the estimated generational giving breakdown is as follows:

  • Matures ⁠— 20.2%
  • Baby Boomers ⁠— 40.8%
  • Generation X ⁠— 22.9%
  • Millennials ⁠— 13.9%
  • Gen Z ⁠— 2.2%

Meanwhile, the makeup of the current workforce looks like this:

  • Matures ⁠— 1.3%
  • Baby Boomers ⁠— 25.6%
  • Generation X ⁠— 33.1%
  • Millennials ⁠— 35%
  • Gen Z ⁠— 5%

All in all, workplace giving programs continue to go significantly underutilized, with an estimated $4 to $7 billion in corporate funds going unclaimed from matching gifts each year⁠—with volunteer grants and other employee giving initiatives falling short as well.

Ultimately, a strategy that focuses too narrowly on the older generations is likely to miss out on the immense opportunities made available by the up-and-coming (and, in many cases, already here) younger donors in your network. Conversely, centering too much on younger donors can cause missed potential from older generations who remain and still possess invaluable experience, deep connections, and a strong commitment to philanthropic support.

The answer? A well-balanced, multigenerational fundraising and workplace giving strategy that prioritizes the strengths of each group to maximize overall success.

Top Fundraising + Workplace Giving Strategies by Generation

With different characteristics defining each segment, effective workplace giving efforts can vary accordingly. Here, we’ll provide an overview of the five generations currently in the workforce⁠—and partaking in philanthropy⁠—and our recommended practices for engaging with the group.

Source: Giving USA’s Special Report – Giving by Generation
How to engage Mature donors with workplace giving

The Matures

  • Age in 2023: 77 years and older
  • Key Characteristics: Dependable, straightforward, and reliable
  • Influenced by: Tradition, loyalty, recognition, and authority
  • Preferred Communication Channels: Direct mail, phone calls
  • Preferred Giving Methods: Direct mail, check/cash donations

Born prior to 1946, the Matures (also known as the Traditionalists or the Silent Generation) exhibit strong values of loyalty, discipline, and respect for authority. They have a powerful sense of duty and often prioritize stability and tradition. Though the causes they support are widespread, the Matures tend to be drawn to established institutions with long-standing, positive reputations.

Though the vast majority of the Mature generation is now retired, the group continues to give generously to the organizations they care about. In fact, retirees contribute an estimated 42% of all charitable dollars in the U.S. each year.

Our Top Tip: Familiarize yourself (and your team) with matching gift and volunteer grant programs that are inclusive of retirees!

Luckily, a lot of companies include retired employees in their workplace giving programs⁠—such as ⁠the Coca-Cola Company, Johnson and Johnson, Chevron, Gap (and its subsidiaries), and many more.

However, there’s a good chance that eligible retirees (or even those still working for the companies) remain unaware of these programs. Thus, it’s a good idea for your organization to research available programs and communicate the opportunity to your audience.
How to engage Baby Boomer donors with workplace giving

Baby Boomers

  • Age in 2023: 59 to 77 years old
  • Key Characteristics: Optimistic, driven, and value personal growth
  • Influenced by: Social change, civil rights, and economic prosperity
  • Preferred Communication Channels: Meetings, phone calls, Facebook
  • Preferred Giving Methods: Online donations, check/cash donations

Born between 1946 and 1964, Baby Boomers are a generation known for their strong work ethic and dedication to social causes. This group believes in making a tangible impact on specific communities or individuals through their charitable contributions. Plus, they often seek opportunities to actively engage with causes they care about.

When engaging Baby Boomers in workplace giving, it is crucial to emphasize the outcomes and measurable results of their doubled donations. Recognizing their long-standing commitment to making a difference and providing volunteer opportunities can also resonate well with this generation.

Our Top Tip: Highlight the opportunity for Baby Boomers to leave a lasting (and multiplied) legacy through workplace giving.

As this group approaches or enters retirement age, Boomers often take the time to reflect on their life’s accomplishments⁠—and the impact they want to have made. By emphasizing how their contributions, combined with corporate funding, can create a meaningful and enduring impact on the causes they care about, nonprofits can tap into their desire to leave a positive mark on the world.

Be sure to provide tangible examples and motivational stories that demonstrate how matching gifts and volunteer grants have made a difference for your organization!How to engage Gen X donors with workplace giving

Generation X

  • Age in 2023: 43 to 58 years old
  • Key Characteristics: Independent, adaptable, and familiar with significant changes
  • Influenced by: Authentic storytelling and tangible giving outcomes
  • Preferred Communication Channels: Email, social media
  • Preferred Giving Methods: Online donations, event-based giving

Born between 1965 and 1980, Generation X is known for their independent, resourceful, and self-reliant nature. Gen Xers often seek causes that align with their personal beliefs, and they appreciate efficiency in communications. Plus, this group values flexibility and giving experiences that provide a sense of meaning.

When engaging Generation X donors in workplace giving, it’s a great idea to offer options that cater to their individual wants and needs. Providing customizable and streamlined ways to get involved with matching gifts, volunteer grants, and more, highlighting tangible outcomes, and offering opportunities for skills-based volunteering that align with their professional expertise can be effective ways to engage with this generation.

Our Top Tip: Harness Gen X’s desire for financial efficiency by promoting the potential to double their donation impact through matching gifts.

Generation Xers, who are often at the peak of their earning potential, appreciate maximizing the value of their giving. Highlight the fact that their donations can be matched by their employers, effectively doubling the impact they make on the causes they care about. And it’s all without reaching back into their own wallets at all!

How to engage Millennial donors with workplace giving


  • Age in 2023: 27 to 42 years old
  • Key Characteristics: Tech-savvy, socially conscious, and outcome focused
  • Influenced by: Peer-to-peer communication, transparency, and impact
  • Preferred Communication Channels: Email, text messaging
  • Preferred Giving Methods: Online donations, peer-to-peer fundraising

Born between 1981 and 1996, Millennials are a generation characterized by their tech-savviness, passion for social justice, and desire for meaningful experiences. They grew up in the age of technological advancements and are often highly connected through social media and other digital platforms.

Overall, this group values transparency and tangible impact and is typically more motivated to give to causes rather than specific institutions. Millennials saw a 40% increase in average annual household giving from 2016 to 2022⁠—the only generation with a positive change in the period. Providing opportunities for hands-on involvement, peer-to-peer fundraising, and highlighting the collective impact of their contributions can further engage this segment.

Plus, the group is already highly involved in workplace giving, with more than 86% of Millennial employees donating to nonprofit causes. Not to mention, a 2020 study reported that 58% of young professionals had given through an employee giving program, compared to only 37% overall.

Millennials also volunteer at a higher rate than any other generation, which means that volunteer grants are an excellent opportunity to pursue.

Our Top Tip: Mention workplace giving opportunities in your Millennial-focused donation appeals to incentivize giving in the first place!

A recent study indicated that while 64% of donors say that the presence of a matching gift is likely to motivate them to give, Millennials are more likely to be impacted by a match (over 78%) than any other generation.

Not to mention, younger generations of donors are increasingly likely to work for socially conscious companies that offer matching gift and volunteer grant programs, thus elevating their chances of eligibility.

How to engage Gen Z donors with workplace giving

Gen Z

  • Age in 2023: 11 to 26 years old
  • Key Characteristics: Tech-native, prioritizes diversity, and values social justice
  • Influenced by: Desire to create social change
  • Preferred Communication Channels: Messaging, texts
  • Preferred Giving Methods: Online donations, crowdfunding, monthly giving

Gen Z represents the youngest group entering the workforce and, subsequently, becoming potential donors. Born between 1996 and 2012, Gen Z is often overlooked for its relatively limited capacity to give. However, this group currently has the “fastest growing economic power across all generational cohorts.”

With an estimated $360 billion in disposable income in 2021, Gen Z is expected to grow its aggregate income to over $33 trillion by 2030. As their disposable income grows, organizations can expect donation amounts to follow. And securing them as supporters now can go a long way in the end!

Also worth noting is that Generation Z is the most likely to opt for monthly giving (62%), which is often attributed to their familiarity with paying for subscription-based services. They favor regular communications as well, typically preferring monthly updates from the organizations they support.

Our Top Tip: Communicate the potential of workplace giving initiatives to further amplify recurring donations.

A common misunderstanding surrounding matching gift programs is that recurring donations do not qualify for employer matching. But in most cases, that’s generally not true! Make an effort to research your monthly donors’ corporate giving guidelines and communicate relevant information to your supporters.

By participating in their employers’ philanthropic initiatives, recurring donors can make an even greater impact on the causes they care about. You just need to break down the myths that are holding your match potential back and take a proactive approach to marketing workplace giving opportunities to your youngest donors.

Collecting Donor Data to Segment Your Engagement Strategy

As with any effective segmentation strategy, you’ll need the right information to inform your organization’s efforts. As you aim to elevate your workplace giving initiatives with generational data, you’ll need two key types of details.

Demographic Information

What is it? Defined as “quantifiable attributes of a population, group, or individual,” demographic information includes details such as age, gender, income, education level, marital status, location, and more. Regarding multigenerational engagement, the most essential metric you’ll need is your donors’ (as well as volunteers’ and other supporters’) age groups.

Why does it matter? Having this information will allow you to target your workplace giving strategies accordingly! For example, you might determine that a top matching gift opportunity falls into the “Mature Generation” category. In that case, you may decide to send a direct mailing that highlights the opportunity and shares the information they need to participate rather than rely solely on digital outreach.

How can I get it? The easiest way is just to ask. But you don’t have to come right out and ask for their exact age. Instead, add an optional donation form field that prompts donors to enter their date of birth (hint: you can also send a birthday card!).

Collect age data to engage multigenerational donors with workplace giving

Or, ask supporters to check a box for the age range they fall into (ex: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+).

Employment Data

What is it? The other key information you’ll need to market workplace giving strategies effectively has to do with your supporters’ employment data. Though the companies your audience works (or worked) for is the most essential piece, it can also help to know their working status⁠—such as full-time, part-time, or retired.

Why does it matter? This information will help your team (or your software) identify available opportunities for workplace giving programs. When you see that your donors work for companies that match gifts or your volunteers work for companies that provide volunteer grants, you’ll want to follow up with information about how they can get involved.

How can I get it?Add another field to your donation form that prompts supporters to enter the name of their company, or embed our employer search tool directly into your giving page or confirmation screen. With Double the Donation, you can even enlist follow-up messaging to provide another opportunity for donors to share the information with ease. Jump to the next section to learn more about how automation helps drive results!

Collect employment data to engage multigenerational donors with workplace giving

Top tip: When you provide context for the ask (e.g., “See if your company will match your gift! Select your employer here.”), donors typically respond particularly well. On the other hand, a data appending service can help fill in the blanks for those who don’t provide it themselves.

Our #1 Recommendation for Engaging All Generations: Automating Workplace Giving

When it comes to engaging multigenerational donors in workplace giving, there is one strategy that stands out above the rest… And that is automating the process.

Workplace giving automation not only streamlines the process for your team behind the scenes but also enhances convenience, accessibility, and engagement for donors across all age groups.

Here’s how automation elevates matching gifts and volunteer grants:

Increases awareness of the opportunity for all supporters.

There’s a significant knowledge gap regarding workplace giving programs among every generation. In fact, an estimated 78% of eligible donors have no idea that their employer matches. Luckily, workplace giving technology automates marketing and promotions around the opportunity, ensuring that every donor receives information regarding the programs. When supporters are aware of their chance to stretch their impact further with matching gifts and volunteer grants, they’re often eager to participate!

Facilitates easy personalization.

Individuals of all generations appreciate personalized outreach. From seeing their name in an email subject line to being provided with insights for their employer’s giving program, tailored messaging strengthens relationships⁠—and produces results. With a matching gift tool, the software fills in the blanks in customizable templates, providing highly specific communications with no added effort.

Appeals to all levels of tech savviness.

In today’s digital age, younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen Z often prefer digital engagement. After all, they tend to have ample experience with online transactions. And while older generations may not be as familiar with the technology, an automated tool can go a long way in helping guide them through the process with detailed assistance and step-by-step instructions. Now, they won’t need to go searching in their company’s intranet for a matching gift form to complete⁠—because they were provided with a direct link to the submission portal in their email.

Tracks and drives more matches to completion.

Ultimately amplifying giving with more matches making it across the finish line, automation allows for seamless matching gift tracking and follow-ups. The end result is fewer matches left unclaimed and more corporate funds available to your organization. And when supporters of all ages see the impact of their contributions being multiplied, they’ll become increasingly engaged with your cause.

Engaging multigenerational donors with workplace giving software

Final Thoughts

Engaging multigenerational donors is a dynamic and multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of your audience. After all, each segment plays a key role in your overall fundraising and workplace giving success. Thus, you’ll want to account for the diverse needs and preferences of every generation.

The better you understand the primary characteristics, values, and motivations that describe each group, the more effectively your organization can tailor its giving programs. Plus, there are a few key strategies that can lend themselves to powerful workplace giving results across all generations⁠—such as investing in dedicated matching gift and volunteer grant technology⁠—that you certainly don’t want to miss.

In the end, your nonprofit will be better funded, your donors feel strengthened connections to your cause, and the communities you serve experience greater programming made available through workplace giving revenue.

Best of luck!


Engaging multigenerational donors through workplace giving is easy with Double the Donation.

This article discusses donor retention basics and six strategies you can use to strengthen your donor relationships

Donor Retention: A Comprehensive Guide + 6 Strategies

Donor retention is a popular topic within nonprofit organizations and for good reason! The practice of retaining donors takes strategy and careful planning. However, the benefits of a fortified retention strategy are worth it.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss all things donor retention related and give five strategies to maximize your efforts, let’s get started!

Click here to leverage matching gifts and boost donor retention with Double the Donation.

What is donor retention?

Donor retention is the measure of how many donors continue to donate to your organization. Nonprofits with high donor retention rates experience less turnover as they cultivate relationships with the same donors who continue to donate year after year.

On the other hand, nonprofits with a lower donor retention rate must continually pour their efforts into donor acquisition, or the process of recruiting new donors. This process can be exhausting as nonprofits have to keep up with fielding new support to increase their mission and cover the cost of lapsed donors.

How does donor retention fit into the donor lifecycle?

It can be helpful to take a step back to fully understand how donor retention operates within the greater donor lifecycle. Terms like “donor acquisition” “donor retention” and “lapsed donors” all exist within a larger framework of the donor lifecycle.

This lifecycle is a concept that helps nonprofits create an actionable fundraising strategy that turns their revenue goals into manageable to-dos by segmenting their donor base. Additionally, the donor lifecycle reminds organizations that finding and maintaining donor relationships is a marathon, not a sprint.

This image depicts the donor lifecycle steps that are each described in detail below.

  • Donor acquisition: Describes the process of collecting contacts to cultivate into donors after establishing a relationship. Usually, organizations use tools like prospect research and wealth screening to identify reliable candidates.
  • Donor retention: As previously mentioned, donor retention is the process of keeping donors continually engaged following their initial gift, so they do not lapse.
  • Donor upgrade: Refers to the cultivation process involved in continuing donor relationships and guiding donors towards recurring giving or major gifts.

All three of these elements must work together within your nonprofit’s donor cultivation strategy. For instance, if you place all of your emphasis on nurturing current donors, you’ll miss key opportunities to bring new supporters and welcome them to your organization. And, current donors might decide to give to another cause or decrease their giving amount for reasons that are beyond your control. 

On the flip side, if your efforts are focused solely on donor acquisition, you’ll likely see more donors lapse over time. Plus, your acquisition efforts might be too single-minded and you could miss out on several average-sized gifts in pursuit of one major gift. 

The solution? You’ll need to continually analyze and balance your growth goals between these three stages of the donor lifecycle. 

Increase donor support and retention with our guide to matching gifts in the donor journey

Why is donor retention important? 

You might still be thinking, well even if current donors take a hiatus, I could still supplement donations through donor acquisition. Not so fast! Donor retention is still worth pursuing for several reasons:

  • It’s cost-effective: Donor retention ROI is much higher since it costs less to retain donors than to acquire them. Plus, your fundraising costs will decrease since you will not have to recruit more donors. 
  • It prepares your operations for the future: When donors make consistent gifts to your nonprofit, you can rely on their support as a regular revenue source moving forward. 
  • It builds relationships: Continued efforts to engage donors will increase their satisfaction and desire to get more involved. 
  • It supports a positive reputation: Nonprofits that retain donors over time benefit from the positive reputation associated with appreciating and recognizing their supporters. 
  • It streamlines the communication process: Nonprofits can use tailored communications to target long-term donors and new donors to personalize their marketing strategies. 

By investing in donor retention, nonprofits can experience deeper relationships and more financial stability. Additionally, a loyal donor community can act as proof that your nonprofit’s mission resonates with people who want to drive meaningful change. 

Key donor retention metrics

When referencing donor retention, there are a handful of metrics your nonprofit should be familiar with to keep a pulse on your fundraising progress. These include donor retention rate, donor lifetime value,  and donor attrition rate. 

Let’s break down each of these:

  • Donor Retention Rate: The percentage of donors who continue to contribute to your organization. Calculate this percentage by dividing the number of donors that gave this year by the number of donors that gave last year and multiplying that number by 100. The average repeat donor retention rate for nonprofits is 40%. 

Donor Retention Rate = ((number of donors at the end of a period – number of new donors) / donors at start of the period) x 100

  • Donor Lifetime Value (DLV): Calculates the projected total value of a donor’s contributions over their lifetime. Considers average gift size, donation frequency, and length of donor relationship. Nonprofits use this metric to identify high-value donors and to adjust their retention strategies to target their ongoing support.

DLV = Annual Donation Amount x Length of Relationship

  • Donor Attrition Rate: Measures the number of donors lost within a specific period as a percentage of the total number of donors at the beginning of that period. To determine the number of donors lost, you’ll need to identify the number of donors you had at the start of the period and then count the number of donors who have discontinued their support or become inactive.

Keep tabs on all of these metrics throughout the year and use them as KPIs following major campaigns. For instance, you might throw a series of appreciation events to engage your current high-value donors with the goal of increasing your donor retention rate by 10-15%.

6 Strategies to increase donor retention

To watch your donor retention metrics soar try out these five easy-to-use strategies:

1. Provide more ways to give

Offer donors a choice for how they’d like to give to your nonprofit. This makes it more convenient for donors to give and offers them more agency in the decision-making process, increasing retention rates. To do so, invest in nonprofit software that allows you to offer online donation forms, text-to-give options, and more.

Take time to educate your donors on matching gift opportunities as well! Matching gifts are a form of corporate philanthropy in which companies offer to match their employee’s donations at a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. This opportunity can increase your donor’s impact and propel your nonprofit to new fundraising heights.

Click here to download your free copy of our Ultimate Matching Gifts Guide, so you can increase donor retention and impact.

2. Offer recurring gifts

Recurring or monthly giving options make it simple for one-time donors to become long-term supporters. If your organization hasn’t already, offer a recurring giving option, so donors can easily schedule their gifts without having to go through the standard one-time gift process each time.

Recurring gifts from donors act as an obvious indication that your supporters are ready to take the next step in partnering with your organization. To recognize their efforts, consider implementing recurring gifts from your organization as a way to signal your appreciation. Some popular gift ideas include:

  • Branded merchandise
  • Lunch with the CEO
  • Early access to tickets or events
  • Discounted tickets
  • Exclusive updates

Not all donors will be interested in a recurring giving program right away, and that’s ok. Look for donors who have already given to your organization a handful of times and incentivize them with unique nonprofit perks.

3. Thank donors regularly

Not being acknowledged is one of the top reasons why donors churn. While being appreciated is certainly a benefit, the lack of a thank-you message often causes donors to assume the causes they gave to don’t need their support.

Don’t let that happen! Instead, make regular efforts to show your appreciation, emphasize that each gift matters, and build relationships with your donors. You can do this with the use of old-fashioned mailed thank-you notes, eCards, thank-you videos, or even phone calls.

Whatever method you use, be sure to thank donors promptly. Fundraising professionals advise that your first thank-you should be within 48 hours after a gift, usually through a text or email, and your second thank-you should be five to seven days after, usually through slower forms of communication like mailed letters. 

Of course, for a fast thank-you to be effective, it also has to be meaningful and sincere. After donors respond to your fundraising appeal with a gift, express gratitude by:

  • Greeting the donor by their preferred name. Use your donor database to keep all of your supporters’ personal information organized. Then, when you create your thank-you emails or letters, you can pull the correct names and physical or email addresses automatically. 
  • Specifying how their contribution played a role in your impact. Be specific about how you intend to use donors’ gifts and how they will make a difference for your cause. For example, a food bank might share how many families were fed or a medical research foundation might emphasize how every bit of funding gets them closer to a cure. 
  • Including compelling visuals that illustrate how they made a difference. Communicating impact through text alone can be challenging, so make your donor thank-you letters more meaningful by using visuals. Add infographics that show how you use donations or photos of the people and places who are helped by your donors’ generous gifts. 
  • Providing additional ways for them to engage with your nonprofit. In a thank-you message, it’s important to not ask donors for another gift. Asking for a donation right on the heels of their last one can make donors feel unappreciated. Instead, invite them to get involved in other ways, like volunteering, attending an event, or even just exploring your blog.

Outside of emails and letters, nonprofits can also thank donors with videos and appreciation events. Of course, these will require quite a bit more effort to create and are usually best used as an appreciation strategy for major campaigns, like an end-of-year seasonal fundraiser.

4. Share impact stories

Donors want concrete details about how their gifts are furthering your cause. For instance, if your mission is to build wells to provide clean water for families in need, update donors on how many wells your team has built and how many families have clean water access because of your donor’s generosity.

It’s important to keep your impact stories personal and tangible, so donors can visualize how their contributions are affecting positive change. For that reason, consider using these tools to make your impact stories come to life:

  • Beneficiary photos and quotes (with permission)
  • Video evidence of your team’s progress
  • Real-time statistics

You can include these elements in your marketing materials such as weekly newsletter, social media posts, website, and blog posts. Doing so will prove to donors that your team is dedicated to goals which will strengthen their trust in your effectiveness.

5. Analyze donor data

Your nonprofit fundraising software should integrate with a constituent relationship manager (CRM), also known as a donor database, to track your donations and individual donor information. This will help your nonprofit segment donor communications and identify top givers and it can help your nonprofit understand the root causes behind your donor metrics. You can analyze warning signs that indicate when donors are in danger of lapsing, including:

  • Reduced engagement
  • Decreased giving
  • Life changes
  • Negative feedback

In other words, your team will be able to understand giving trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. If you notice, for instance, that many donors lapse during the summer months, you can craft a follow-up strategy to re-engage them.

6. Ask for feedback

To get a new perspective, ask for feedback from your long-term donors. Send them short surveys and ask questions like:

  • What makes our nonprofit different?
  • Why did you choose to support our mission?
  • Have you attended any of our recent events and if so, how was your experience?
  • Is there anything we can do to improve your overall experience?
  • Are you satisfied with our communication cadence and depth? What areas of our mission would you like to know more about?

When your nonprofit makes an effort to survey your existing donors, it indicates that you value their opinion and will make changes to better serve them. So, don’t be afraid to ask for their feedback as they’ll be happy to offer their perspective.

Conclusion and Additional Resources

Keeping your donors invested in your cause are key to your nonprofit’s growth. Focus on implementing the five above strategies to practice careful donor stewardship and engagement tactics. Remember to provide compelling updates and convey genuine appreciation to establish your nonprofit as one that highly values its supporters.

To learn more, check out these resources:

Click here to learn more about how Double the Donation helps drive matching gifts, so you can retain donors.